Circa mid 1960s
Aunt Ida built the cabin for herself and Denny so they would have a place to stay when she retired from Linnea Beach Resort. Turns out, she only stayed in the cabin a few times. Ken spent a lot of his time fixing the place up. He did an amazing job. When he was done, the cabin was beautiful and very comfortable.
Denny and his friend, Dale, nearly died from carbon monoxide poisoning.
Ken brought up their old gas refrigerator and installed it. He was not aware that you needed a different orifice to run on propane gas. The natural gas orifice burned propane poorly, causing it to produce large quantities of carbon monoxide.
Denny and Dale went to the cabin for a weekend. When they woke up Sunday morning, Dale was extremely sick. He stumbled over to the window and tried to open it. He couldn’t get it open and collapsed onto the floor. Denny was able to drag him outside. Dale recovered although he had a terrible headache.
Recently Found Photos
Bob found some slides from the mid 1960s. You can find them in Photo Set 2

Laura and Herb visit

Bob, Laurie, Box, and Rusty