Hi, my name is Cabo.
I’m a Sheltie. I was born on January 18th, 2013. I was adopted by the Beman family on their way home from vacationing in Cabo San Lucas Mexico, which inspired my name. I like my name. It’s distinctive. I spent my first seven years with the Beman family in Cedar Rapids Iowa. I moved to the Twin Cities with Leah for a couple of years. I shared an apartment with Leah and 2, sometimes scary, cats. These were good times except living in the city, close to a busy freeway, a lot of people and noise, sometimes made me anxious. I moved in with Sandy and Denny. They live in a wooded area and have a large fenced, quiet backyard where I spend a lot of time outside chasing squirrels and, sometimes, wild turkeys. Barking at deer is always fun. Denny and I take long walks through a wooded park every day.
I admit it. I like to eat pretty much any treat or food. I’m willing to do tricks for treats. I especially like it when People give me love and attention. I follow Denny around the house. Leah called me the shadow dog.
I heard people say I have some unusual quirks. Riding in a car is okay but I don’t like it backing up. Windshield wipers drive me crazy. I don’t like not being able to follow you into a room especially bathrooms with showers. Don’t get me started on showers.
On this webpage, you’ll find my photo and video history. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy living it.